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Bite correction

Treatment under a microscope
In-house dental laboratory
In-house visiograph and orthopantomograph (Sirona)
We are located in the centre of Saint Petersburg

Bite correction at a clinic will eliminate anomalies which interfere with correct jaw function and chewing food. Occlusion refers to the relationship between the lower and upper teeth when the jaws bite together. If there is no malocclusion, all teeth line up well not causing and discomfort or changing the facial contour.


Types of malocclusion

Bite correction will solve psychological, aesthetic and clinical problems. Ignoring the problem can lead to complications:

  • pains and clicks in the lower jaw joint, headaches;
  • teeth abrasion;
  • gum diseases;
  • speech disorder;
  • altered facial shape;
  • difficult swallowing and chewing, i.e. digestion problems;
  • spine diseases.

Bite correction at a clinic should be considered from an early age, as treatment will help avoiding complications during adulthood.

Types of malocclusion:

  • Mesial bite: the lower jaw is larger than the upper one. The upper jaw is not properly developed.
  • Distal bite: the upper jaw is larger than the lower one. The lower jaw may not be properly developed.
  • Dystopia: teeth are located outside the dental arch, growing in the second row or taking a wrong position in the arch.
  • Cross bite: the width of the jaws is developing abnormally.
  • Open bite: the front teeth do not touch, and the tongue is often placed between them.
  • Deep bite: a type of malocclusion when the upper front teeth come down too far over the bottom front teeth.

It is possible to have a malocclusion corrected only at a clinic where the doctor will select an effective method, analyze progress and adjust the course of treatment if necessary.

Distal bite

This type of malocclusion occurs when the upper dentition overlaps the lower one too much, and the lower jaw may be retracted. Bite correction is absolutely necessary in this case, otherwise complications will occur:

  • Quick enamel wear, caries development, increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • Gum diseases will occur;
  • A strain on the lower jaw resulting in pain, clicks and limitation in opening the mouth.

This anomaly changes the face shape, as the chin is retracted. In some cases, the upper jaw is advanced too far, the front teeth protrude and the lip overhangs the front teeth but does not overlap them completely.

Deep bite

This is a common anomaly when upper teeth overlap lower teeth excessively covering them by 50%, with the norm being 30-35%. It is possible to start correcting this type of malocclusion in children at an early age, which will help to avoid complications:

  • Mucosal and gum diseases which may lead to a loss of teeth, the front ones in particular;
  • Enamel thinning;
  • Temporomandibular joint diseases;
  • Aesthetic problems.

This condition can be detected from aesthetic defects, when the oval shape of the face is visibly shortened, and the lips are often thin and directed towards the mouth cavity. An excessive overlap of upper teeth over lower teeth is observed.

Mesial bite

This type of malocclusion is characterized by the lower jaw protruding past the upper jaw, a prominent chin and a sunken upper lip.


  • Speech dysfunction, dyslalia;
  • Having difficulty chewing;
  • Caries, periodontal diseases, enamel thinning;
  • High teeth sensitivity.

The symptoms of this type of malocclusion are a concave profile, an excessively square jaw, which protrudes prominently.

Cross bite

This is either a sideways shift of the lower jaw and crisscrossing of upper and lower teeth or a narrowing of the upper jaw in relation to the lower jaw. The cross bite is located in the anterior or posterior area of the dental arch. There can be a unilateral or bilateral displacement of the jaw. The condition can be noticed by an asymmetric face, and the chin may be shifted to one side.


  • Speech defects, articulation disorders;
  • Arthrosis, jaw joint deformity;
  • Chewing on one side, leading to gum and tooth diseases;
  • Cheek biting, resulting in wounds and tissue inflammation.

Open bite

It is a severe condition when the upper and lower dental arches are not in contact even when the jaw is clenched. There is an anterior or posterior open bite, and sometimes, both can occur simultaneously. It can be determined by an unusual position of the lips. They are protruded and not in contact, tightly compressed and need to be retained by force.


  • Mouth breathing - mucosa always dries out and there is a risk of infection;
  • It is difficult to bite properly or chew food;
  • Gum and throat diseases;
  • Digestive tract disturbance;
  • Speech dysfunction;
  • Severe abrasion of posterior teeth, as they sustain the entire chewing load.

People with this bite condition, which cannot be concealed, suffer from aesthetic defects and feel embarrassed.

Causes of malocclusion

Anomalies can be congenital by nature and related to prenatal mutations or hereditary factors. As such conditions are difficult to treat, surgical methods are applied more commonly.

An acquired anomaly may appear due to various factors:

  • Birth trauma.
  • A long period of bottle-feeding with a wrongly selected bottle nipple.
  • Unbalanced nutrition, lack of hard food in the diet.
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory and endocrine systems.
  • Rachitis.
  • Jaw injuries, especially in the lower jaw joint area
  • The habit of sucking a thumb or other objects.
  • Tooth extraction at an early age.
  • Tooth loss without timely prosthetics.
  • Gum diseases.

It is not good to ignore a serious condition because there is a risk of negative consequences for the whole organism. The quality of life becomes worse and the face contour changes.

How to correct

An orthodontist will develop a treatment plan for the condition, depending on the degree, severity, age and anatomical specific features of the patient.

Effective techniques:

  • Braces. They are fixed appliances which are placed on the external or internal surface of teeth. Sapphire, metal or ceramic braces apply pressure and move teeth in the correct direction.
  • Bite plates. These appliances are used to treat children to stimulate jaw growth in the correct direction.
  • Splints and aligners. These are removable devices which fit tightly to the teeth and align them under slight pressure.
  • Surgical intervention. This method is used in case of a complex anomaly in adult patients when jaw sizes are severely distorted.
  • Physical therapy: massage techniques and myofunctional gymnastics.
  • Trainers. They are similar to splints but less functional. It is impossible to speak while wearing them and they can be worn during the whole night. Trainers are not effective for serious conditions.
  • Axioma Dental Clinic will help adults and children to get rid of bite abnormalities posing serious health risks.
Medical expert:
Aleksandra Igorevna Sapitskaya
Orthodontic dentist

Doctors in this area

Aleksandra Igorevna Sapitskaya


12 years
Orthodontic dentist

Tell about us:

191028, Russia, Saint Petersburg, ul. Gagarinskaya 30

Mo - Fr / 10:00 - 21:00
Sa - Su / 10:00 - 19:00
