Saint Petersburg,
ul. Gagarinskaya, 30
Mo - Fr / 10:00 - 21:00
Sa - Su / 10:00 - 19:00

Dental treatment

Treatment under the microscope
We are located in the center of St. Petersburg

Service prices

Specialist consultation 900р.
Comprehensive consultation by several specialists and developing a complex treatment plan 1500р.
Диагностика заболеваний полости рта
Составление нескольких планов лечения
Enamel caries treatment 6000р.
Использование ретрактора или изоляции коффердам
Механическая и медикаментозная обработка зуба
Восстановление светоотверждаемым пломбировочным материалом Estelite, Vitremer
Шлифовка, полировка пломбы
Dentine caries treatment (1-2 surfaces) 8000р.
Использование ретрактора или изоляции коффердам
Механическая и медикаментозная обработка зуба
Восстановление светоотверждаемым пломбировочным материалом Estelite, Vitremer
Шлифовка, полировка пломбы
Dentine caries treatment (3 surfaces) 10 000р.
Использование ретрактора или изоляции коффердам
Механическая и медикаментозная обработка зуба
Восстановление светоотверждаемым пломбировочным материалом Estelite, Vitremer
Шлифовка, полировка пломбы
Applying devitalizing paste and temporary filling 2500р.
One-canal tooth pulpitis treatment (2 visits) от 13 000р.
Использование изоляции коффердам
Механическая обработка кариозной полости
Удаление пульпы
Механическое расширение канала
Медикаментозная обработка канала
Ультразвуковая обработка канала
Временная пломбировка препаратом Calasept
Внутриротовые прицельные снимки этапов лечения
Постоянная пломбировка каналов с использованием горячей гуттаперчи
*Стоимость лечения может меняться в зависимости от сложности строения каналов и клинической ситуации
Диагностическое вмешательство 5000р.
Использование изоляции коффердам
Распломбировка канала
Механическая обработка канала
Медикаментозная обработка канала
Ультразвуковая обработка канала
Временная пломбировка антимикробным препаратом
Внутриротовые прицельные снимки этапов лечения
Постоянная пломбировка каналов с использованием горячей гуттаперчи

Axioma Dental Clinic in Saint Petersburg offers up-to-date effective dental treatment technologies which make it possible to get rid of dangerous diseases quickly and with as little discomfort as possible.

Лечение зубов

Types of dental treatment

Every clinical case is studied by dental specialists individually. Dental therapists perform diagnostics and prepare patients for further procedures. Other specialists perform orthopaedic, periodontal and orthodontic treatment.

Лечение зубов

Main types of dental treatment:

  • Dental restoration refers to procedures that restore the natural shape, shade and height of teeth, correcting visual defects, removing chips, fissures and consequences of injuries.
  • Dental caries treatment refers to elimination of tissues damaged by bacteria at any stage; elimination of painful sensations and regaining functionality by placing fillings and, in some cases, placing ceramic inlays.
  • Canal treatment refers to treating periodontitis and pulpitis caused by complicated caries or previous unsuccessful endodontic treatment.

The cost of treatment depends on individual characteristics of the organism and the stage of the disease.

To eliminate any risks of new infection sites springing up or decay, treatment plans normally include a regular medical checkup once every six months.

Symptoms showing the need to undergo dental treatment

Slight pain, oedema or discomfort during chewing are all good reasons to see the doctor. This will not only make the course of treatment simpler, but also reduce the price considerably.

Лечение зубов

Alarming symptoms:

  1. Bleeding gums: signal progressive periodontitis, which is damaging soft tissues and may result in tooth loss and associated infections.
  2. Experiencing pain when consuming sweet food and during exposure to heat is a caries symptom which shouldn’t be ignored, as the risk of pulpitis is high.
  3. Swelling of a part of the face is the result of gum boil formation because of an inflammatory process in the canals. It is necessary to see the doctor immediately. There is a high risk that such a tooth will have to be extracted.
  4. An unpleasant smell from the mouth is a sign of advanced caries and inflamed gums.
  5. Food stuck between teeth - appearing cavities may indicate hidden interdental caries in progress.
  6. Experiencing acute pain in a tooth or in the jaw spreading to the ear, the eye or the sinus requires an immediate visit to the doctor. The symptom may indicate an inflammatory process in the canals.
  7. Appearance of spots and dark areas on the enamel is a sign of developing caries.

Axioma Dental Clinic would like to invite patients to undergo effective and painless dental treatment. We restore arch functionality and superb aesthetic appearance at moderate prices. We perform preventive cleaning which can stop the development of dangerous oral diseases.

Medical expert:
Lina Victorovna Makanina
Dental therapist

Doctors in this area

Lina Victorovna Makanina


19 years
Dental therapist

Tatyana Leonidovna Aleshkova


15 years
Dental therapist, surgeon, periodontist

Work examples

Клинический случай 22 Клинический случай 22

191028, Russia, Saint Petersburg, ul. Gagarinskaya 30

Mo - Fr / 10:00 - 21:00
Sa - Su / 10:00 - 19:00
