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Upper jaw implant restoration

Treatment under a microscope
In-house dental laboratory
In-house visiograph and orthopantomograph (Sirona)
We are located in the centre of Saint Petersburg

Service prices

Specialist consultation 900р. Comprehensive consultation by several specialists and developing a complex treatment plan 1500р. Osstem (Korea) implantation 36 000р. WhiteSky implantation (Bredent) 90 000р. Extraction of the broken screw from the impant 12 600р. Extraction of the implant 7900р. Straumann Roxolid SLActive implantation 56 000р. Straumann Roxolid implanation 52 000р.

Dental implant restoration of upper teeth is used to restore a completely edentulous dental arch or a few missing teeth. Due to the anatomical features of the jaw, the surgery is performed by dentists with high qualifications. Prior to the procedure, accurate diagnostic procedures are performed and an implant system is selected. This approach minimizes surgical intervention consequences.

Имплантация верхней челюсти

Causes of the dental arch loss

Upper jaw implant restoration makes it possible to restore a nice smile quickly and fully recover the chewing function. After the procedure, there is no need to use awkward removable dentures. The structure looks natural, does not affect articulation and does not require any diet restrictions.

Dental implants for upper posterior and anterior teeth are prescribed if the teeth have been lost because of:

  • Bone atrophy.
  • Complicated forms of caries.
  • Improper oral care.
  • Injuries, e.g. cracks, chipping and mobility, have led to tooth loss.
  • Metabolic diseases: diabetes, osteoporosis resulting in calcium depletion in the organism.
  • Periodontitis.

Implantation of upper molars and incisors has only a few contraindications. The structure will be capable of maintaining the natural gum contour. Artificial roots can be inserted if the patient has reached the age of 18.

Upper jaw implantation

Upper jaw bone tissues are less dense than those in the lower jaw. The upper jaw bone is looser and has a porous structure. This anatomical difference is explained by the fact that the upper dental arch is subjected to less load during chewing. The bone is not so dense and quickly atrophies if the teeth are lost or were extracted a long time ago. That is why implant restoration of the upper jaw when all or several teeth are missing typically requires a sinus lift surgery. This kind of osteoplasty will restore dense tissue which will provide a foundation for the secure fixation of the artificial root.

However, it is important to remember that the sinuses adjoin the jaw. If the bone is not adequately wide and long, osteoplasty is necessary in order to ensure safe insertion of the structure. Otherwise, there is a high risk of the structure going through the bone and damaging the sinus. During a sinus lift procedure, the sinus floor is raised and the space is filled with an osteoplastic material. When an implant is inserted, there is no risk of artificial root mobility or injuring the patient.

Имплантация верхней челюсти

Requirements for implantation

Front teeth are necessary to maintaining a nice smile, and therefore:

  • The doctor aims to maintain and simulate the natural gum contour as much as possible. It is important to preserve the gum volume and healthy bone tissue. A single-stage surgery with immediate loading and a temporary crown is the preferred option. The structure will support soft tissues, minimizing the risk of atrophy development.
  • High-precision placement: an artificial root is inserted with pinpoint precision. A projection is created, which makes it possible to identify the size and location of the bone. A surgical guide is manufactured. If the structure is inserted at an incorrect angle, it will be impossible to place the crown properly, the risk of complications will be high and the artificial root may become mobile. 
  • Type of implants: structures with a special thread are used, as they are less damaging to the tissue around the operating site.
  • Abutments: zirconium abutments, rather than metal ones, are used, so that they wouldn’t be visible through the crown.

Requirements for implant insertion in the upper jaw:

  • Because premolars and molars are subjected to high loads, the two-stage technique is used and prosthetics is performed after the complete integration of the artificial root. 
  • If the bone has thinned significantly, a sinus lift surgery is required.
  • Implants which accelerate the osseointegration of the artificial root are used.

A complete upper jaw implant restoration at a moderate price is applied in case of edentulism or several decayed teeth which need to be extracted. The best alternative is the all-on-4 prosthetics. Four implants are inserted at a certain angle, and a fixed prosthesis is installed. In this case, it is possible to avoid bone grafting.

Possible complications

The procedure can cause:

  • temporary numbness of the lip;
  • nose bleeding;
  • gum and cheek oedema;
  • artificial root mobility;
  • implant and bone material failure.

The causes of complications may include improper oral hygiene, inadequate qualifications of the doctor, incorrect preparation for the procedure or incorrect post-operative care. It is essential to choose a certified clinic which has high-quality equipment and experienced dentists.

Возможные осложнения

Treatment techniques

Restoration of a whole arch or several missing teeth is performed as follows:

  1. Classic two-stage technique: bone grafting if necessary and artificial root insertion by puncturing or dissecting the gum. The implant is placed and stitches are applied. After healing, a mucosa cylinder is placed, which is later replaced with an abutment. Final prosthetics is possible after 4-6 months when the implants have fully integrated.
  2. Immediate implants: the artificial root can be inserted immediately after the natural one has been extracted. The implant is inserted into the prepared socket and a mucosa cylinder is placed. A few days later, an abutment is placed and a temporary crown is fixed. The structure conceals the defect completely, which is important in case of front incisors.

The type of treatment is selected depending on the quantity of the present bone tissue and the clinical picture.

Axioma Dental Clinic would like to invite you to a consultation where you can find out how you can solve the problem of missing teeth quickly.

Doctors in this area

Dmitry Nikolaevich Amiridi


22 yearsа
Dental surgeon, implant surgeon, Medical Director

Tell about us:

191028, Russia, Saint Petersburg, ul. Gagarinskaya 30

Mo - Fr / 10:00 - 21:00
Sa - Su / 10:00 - 19:00
